Youth Development Programme (YDP)

About us

Youth Development Programme (YDP)


The Youth Development Programme (YDP) of the Antilles Employees’ Credit Union is geared towards the financial development of today’s youth. Established in 1989, the department aims to maintain a relationship with its core members: the youth. The programme provides education in early financial management, seeking to improve the lives of children by teaching them to save from an early age, as the habits of saving and being thrifty are some life skills one must learn.

The main objective of the Youth Development Programme is to educate and advance the philosophy of Credit Unionism to youth in our bound, recognising such implantation of ideals will foster financial independence and guarantee the perpetuation of Credit Union Leaders and Members in our nation.

Membership in the Youth Development Programme is open to youths residing, attending a school within our common bond or whose parent(s) resides or is employed within our common bond of operations. Enrolment shall be done on prescribed registration forms, which must be completed and signed by a parent or guardian of the child, who shall be listed as the named Trustee of the account. The Trustee is responsible for transactions on the child’s behalf until the child reaches the age of eighteen (18).

The child continues to be a member throughout their school life, regardless of changes to the school they attend. At age twenty-one (21), the Youth member can be transferred to the Adult membership.

Goals and Objectives​

  • To promote thrift among our Youth members.
  • To help understand the importance of money management and instil the virtues of prudent credit.
  • To establish a sense of belonging to a group, thereby exploring and understanding the benefits of a collective approach.
  • To instil within our youths positive character traits and promote all-round development.
  • To harness and encourage the expression of creative talents among our Youth members.

S.E.A. Awards

Twenty-five (25) bursaries each valued at One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) in Shares are distributed annually to YDP members and children of Adult members who have written the Secondary Entrance Assessment (SEA) Exam. Bursaries are distributed on the basis of:

  • Academic Excellence/Merit
  • Non-academic Excellence/Extra Curricular Activities
  • Need

The application for the SEA Bursary is valid for current year of examination only. Forms are only made available during the application window. Members will be notified when the application window opens and closes.


Application forms must be completed in full by the adult member or parent/guardian of the youth member and must be submitted with copies of:

  • The Student’s Performance Report
  • The Student’s Birth Certificate
  • Proof of Relationship (where applicable – Affidavit, Adoption Order, Deed Poll)

Applications for the Non-Academic/Excellence Award must be supported by documentary evidence, including a recommendation from the Principal of the Primary School the child attended.


Applicants applying for the bursary based on financial need must provide evidence of their need and may be asked to attend an interview with the Committee.


Contact our Youth Development Programme for further information.